
How to Create and Publish Content Website in Nimvio


As mentioned in Headless CMS Overview, this style of website creation has become the best solution for the fast-paced multichannel experience. The objective of this is always to streamline the process in order to ease users' day to day business process. Below is the step to step on how to create a website in Nimvio.


Create Website (From scratch)

Creating a website in Nimvio is quite easy as long as you follow the correct process. Once you follow the correct process you will see that Nimvio allows you to have freedom in creating your website. 

Flowchart below illustrates the process of website creation:

After content template is created, you can begin to Create Content of your website. Within this process also, you can always view/edit the content created.

Once everything is ready, you can Publish the content which will also appears in the content delivery API and ready to deploy with the help of the Developer.

1. Setup Project

You can start creating your website by setup a project first. Once created, you should organize your projects so that your content creators have their space to work. 

Please refer here to view steps to setup a project.

2. Create Content Template

Then, from the project created you can start creating and managing your content template. The content template is needed as it will become the template for your website content. 

Please refer here to view steps to create content template.

3. Create Content & Publish

Next, you can begin to create the content of your website. In here, Nimvio has tries to lighten the process which made it easy and can help unleash your creativity.

Once everything is ready, you can publish the content that you have created. Once published, the status of your content now changed to Published. The content now also appears in the content delivery API and ready to deploy with the help of the Developer.

Please refer here to view steps to create and publish content.


What is Next?

Congratulations! You have finished the guide. Keep exploring below: